查爾斯·達爾文 1.Childhood and School Days 2.Charles Goes to College 3.Exciting News Arrives 4.The H.M.S.Beagle Sails 5.Return to England 6.Darwin Marries 7.England is shocked 8.Darwin's Last Years 林肯傳 PAET I 1.His Early Years 2.Earning a Living 3.Love Affairs 4.legislator 5.Mary Todd 6.Lawyer and Politician 7.Congressman 8.Family Matters 9.Returning to Politics 10.Joining the Republican Party 11.The Douglas Debates 12.Grouing into a Candidate 13.The Republican Convention 14.The Election 15.President-Election 16.What He Looded Like PART Ⅱ 托馬斯·阿爾瓦·愛迪生