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定 價:¥13.80

作 者: 李東林主編
出版社: 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學出版社
叢編項: 專業(yè)英語閱讀叢書
標 簽: 專業(yè)英語

ISBN: 9787560313719 出版時間: 1999-01-01 包裝: 膠版紙
開本: 21cm 頁數(shù): 313 字數(shù):  






 1 Introduction and Linearized Dynamic Models
  1.1 Introduction
  1.2 Examples and Classifications of Control Systems
  1.3 Open-Loop Control and Closed-Loop Control
  1.4 Control System Analysis and Design
  1.5 Linearized Dynamic Models
  1.6 Laplace Transforms
  1.7 Transfer Functions and System Response
  1.8 Block Diagram Reduction
  1.9 Conclusion
 2 Transfer Function Models of Physical Systems
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 Mechanical Systems
  2.3 Electrical Systems: Circuits
  2.4 Electromeehanical Systems: Transfer Functions of Motors and Generators
  2.5 Thermal Systems
  2.6 Fluid Systems
  2.7 Fluid Power Control Elements
  2.8 Conclusion
 3 Transient Performance and the S-Plane
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 The S-Plane,Pole-Zero Patterns,and Residue Calculation
  3.3 Transient Response, Including Repeated and Complex Poles
  3.4 Simple Lag: First-Order Systems
  3.5 Quadratic Lag:Second-Order Systems
  3.6 Performance and Stability of Higher-Order Systems
  3.7 Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
  3.8 Effect of System Zeros
  3.9 Conclusion
 4 Feedback System Modeling and Performance
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Feedback System Model Examples
  4.3 Direct Block Diagram Modeling of Feedback Systems
  4.4 Effect of Feedback on Parameter Sensitivity and Disturbance Response
  4.5 Steady-State Errors in Feedback Systems
  4.6 Transient Response versus Steady-State Errors
  4.7 Conclusion
 1 Robustness in Multivariable Control System Design
  1.1 Introduction
  1.2 Sensitivity of the Characteristic Gain Loci
  1.3 Uncertainty in a Feedback System
  1.4 Relative Stability Matrices
  1.5 Multivariable Gain and Phase Margins
  1.6 Conclusion
 2 The Inverse Nyquist Array Design Method
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 The Multivariable Design Problem
  2.3 Stability
  2.4 Design Technique
  2.5 Conclusion
 3 Optimal Control
  3.1 The Calculus of Variations: Classical Theory
  3.2 The Optimal Control Problem
  3.3 Singular Control Problems
  3.4 Dynamic Programming
  3.5 The Hamihon-Jacobi Approach
 4 0ptimisation in Multivariable Design
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Problem Formulation
  4.3 Allocation Problem
  4.4 Scaling Problem
  4.5 Compensator Design
  4.6 Design Example
  4.7 Discussion
 5 Pole Assignment
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 State-Feedback Algorithms
  5.3 Output-Feedback Algorithms
  5.4 Concluding Remarks
 1 Multivariable Frequency Domain Design Method for Disturbance Minimization
  1.1 Introduction
  1.2 Statement of the Problem
  1.3 Design Scheme for Disturbance Minimization
  1.4 mustrative Example
  1.5 Conclusion
 2 Appfication of the Robust Servomechanism Controfler to Systems with Periodic Tracking Disturbance Signals
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 Development
  2.3 Numerical Examples
  2.4 Conclusion
 3 Regulator Design with Poles in a Specified Region
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 Preliminaries
  3.3 Pole Assignment in a Specified Region
  3.4 Optimal Regulator with its Poles in a Specified Region
  3.5 Conclusion
 4 Direct Adaptive Output Tracking Control Using Multilayered Neural Networks
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Nonlinear Control Formulation
  4.3 Adaptive Tracking Using Multilayered Neural Networks
  4.4 Results on Convergence of Weight learning
  4.5 Results on Feedback Stability
  4.6 Simulation Results
  4.7 Concluding Remarks
 5 Genetic Algorithms-A Robust Optimization Tool
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Genetic Algorithms
  5.3 GA in Aerospace System Optimization
  5.4 Summary and Discussion


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