1. The molecular and cellular basis of disease 1 C.L. Shoviin J.R. Lamb C Haslett 2. Diseases due to infection 57 G.E. Griffin J.G.P. Sissons P.L Chiodini D.M. Mitchell 3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system 191 N.A. Boon K.A.A. Fox P. Bloomfield 4. Diseases of the respiratory system 33 G.K. Crompton C. Haslett E.R. Chilvers 5. Disturbances in water, electrolyte and acid- base balance 393 C.P. Swainson A.D. Gumming 6. Diseases of the kidney and urinary system 417 A.M. Davison A.D. Gumming G.P. Swainson N. Turner 7. Diabetes mellitus, and nutritional and metabolic disorders 471 B.M. Frier A.S. Truswell J. Shepherd A. de Looy R. Jung 8. Endocrine disease 543 G.R.W. Edwards A.D. Toft B.R. Walker 9. Diseases of the alimentary tract and pancreas 599 K.R. Palmer 1.D. Penman 1. Diseases of the liver and biliary system 683 N.D.C. Finlayson P.C. Hayes K.J. Simpson 11. Diseases of the blood 737 M.J. Mackie C.A. Ludlam A.P. Haynes 12. Diseases of the connective tissues, joints and bones 81 3. Nuki S.H. Ralston R. Luqmani 13. Diseases of the skin 877 O.M.V. Schofield J.A.A. Hunter 14. Diseases of the nervous system 923 C.M.C. Alien C.J. Lueck 15. Principles of critical care medicine 125 D.F. Treacher N.A. Boon 16. Principles of oncological and palliative care 149 J.F. Smyth 17.Principlesofgeriatricmedicine 165 N.R. Colledge 18. Principles of medical psychiatry 173 G.G. Lloyd 19. Principles of drug therapy and management of poisoning 199 J.K. Aronson A.T. Proudfoot 2. Appendices 1127 Illustration acknowledgements 1141 Index 1143