I Radio Frequency Amplifiers 1 1-1 Impedance Review 5 1-2 Series Resonance 6 1-3 Circuit Qand Bandwidth 8 1-4 Parallel Resonance 9 1-5 Small-Signal RF Amplifier Analysis 14 1-6 Small-signal RF Amplifier Design18 1-7 Coupling Tuned Circuits 22 1-8 Nonideal Transformer Coupling 25 1-9 Double-Tuned Circuits 31 1-10 Laplace Transforms 35 1-11 Computer Analysis 45 2 Oscillators 54 2-1 Hartley Oscillator Circuit Analysis 57 2-2 Colpitts Oscillator 60 2-3 Clapp Oscillator 63 2-4 Tuned-input/Tuned-Output Oscillator 64 2-5 Untuned Oscillators 65 2-6 Oscillator Stability and Spectral Purity 68 2-7 Crystals and Crystal Oscillators 70 2-8 Pierce Crystal Oscillator 75 2-9 Computer Analysis 80 3 Signal Spectra 83 3-1 Fourier Series and Signal Analysis 84 3-2 Fourier Transforms 94 3-3 Effect of Filters on Signals 97 3-4 Harmonic and Phase Distortion 100 3-5 Nondeterministic Signals 101 3-6 Computer Analysis 105 4 Elements of Noise 111 4-1 System Noise Sources 112 4-2 Noise Spectral Density and Circuit Calculations 115 4-3 Noise and Feedback 119 4-4 System Noise Figure 119 4-5 Noise Temperature 120 4-6 Noise Bandwidth 121 4-7 Correlation and Noise 123 4-8 Computer Analysis 129 5 Modulation and Amplitude-Modulation Systems 133 5-1 Communications Systems 134 5-2 Voice Transmission and Multiplexing 135 5-3 Modulation 136 5-4 AM Spectrum and Bandwidth 139 5-5 Power in an AM Signal 141 5-6 Nonsinusoidal Modulation Signals 142 5-7 AM Demodulation 144 5-8 AM Receiver Systems 148 5-9 Superheterodyne Receivers for AM 149 5-10 Receiver Gain and Sensitivity 151 5-11 Power Level in dBm and dBW 152 5-12 AGO and Dynamic Range 154 5-13 Receiver Noise 157 5-14 Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N) 158 5-15 Derivation of the Noise Figure Equation 158 5-16 Bandwidth Improvement 160 5-17 Bandwidth Narrowing 163 5-18 Computer Analysis 166 6 Transmitter Circuits 170 6-1 Power Amplifiers 171 6-2 Neutralization 177 6-3 Integrated Circuit, RF Power Amplifiers 178 6-4 Impedance-Matching Networks 184 6-5 AM Modulator Circuits 193 6-6 Computer Analysis 201 7 Receiver Circuits 204 7-1 Low-Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) 205 7-2 Mixers 208 7-3 Tuning the Standard Broadcast Receiver 217 7-4 Filter Requirements for Interference Control and Selectivity 219 7-5 Filter Circuit Design 225 7-6 IF Amplifiers 234 7-7 ACC Circuits 240 7-8 The Audio System 244 7-9 Distortion and Feedback 247 7-10 Computer Analysis 265 8 Sideband Systems 283 8-1 Vestigial Sideband 284 8-2 Double Sideband/Suppressed Carrier 285 8-3 Balanced Modulator 286 8-4 Product Detector 293 8-5 Phase Distortion in the Demodulation of Suppressed-Carrier Systems 393 8-6 Single Sideband/Suppressed Carrier 294 8-7 Frequency-Division Multiplexing in Telephone Systems 301 8-8 Quadrature Multiplexing 304 8-9 Costas Loop for Suppressed-Carrier Demodulation 806 8-10 Computer Analysis 310 9 Frequency and Phase Modulation 312 9-1 Frequency Modulation 312 9-2 Phase Modulation 323 9-3 Advantages of PM over FM 332 9-4 FM Transmitter Circuits 333 9-5 Frequency Stability and AFC 346 9-6 FM Receivers 351 9-7 Noise Performance 364 9 8 Stereo FM 367 9-9 Computer Analysis 374 10 Phase-Locked Loops 381 10-1 Loop Components 383 10-2 Basic Loop Behavior 389 10-3 Loop Frequency Response and Bandwidth 393 10-4 FM and FSK Applications of PLLs 399 10-5 Noise 400 10-6 Improving Loop Response 401 10-7 Phase-Locked Loop Compensation 410 10-8 Frequency Synthesizers 417 10-9 Coherent Receivers: Phase-Locked Loop, Acquisition, 10-10 Computer Analysis 439 11 Pulse and Digital Modulation 444 11-1 Sampled Data and the Sampling Theorem 444 11-2 Pulse Amplitude Modulation Natural and Flat-Top Sampling 447 11-3 Pulse Width and Pulse Position Modulation (PWM & PPM) 453 11-4 Digital Modulation 456 11-5 Quantization Noise 466 11-6 Qualitative Comparisons of Pulse and Digital Modulation Systems 467 11-7 Computer Analysis 470 12 Digital Communication Concepts 472 12-1 Digital Information 473 12-2 Information Transfer Rate 474 12-3 Signaling (Baud) Rate 475 12-4 System Capacity 477 12-5 Bandwidth Considerations 480 12-6 Power in Digital Signals 484 12-7 PCM System Analysis 486 12-8 PCM Telephone Circuitry 496 12-9 Computer Analysis 506 13 Data Communication Techniques 516 13-1 Standard Digital Codes 517 13-2 Error Detection 525 13-3 Noise and Data Errors 532 13-4 Intercomputer Communications 535 13-5 Serial-Transmission Interfacing 536 13-6 Carrier Systems and Modems 546 13-7 Synchronous Communication Techniques 552 13-8 Open System Interconnect and ISDN 562 13-9 Computer Analysis 571 14 Transmission Lines and Waveguides 576 14-1 Transmission Lines 577 14-2 Sinusoidal Signals as Traveling Waves 585 14-3 The Smith Chart 589 14-4 Impedance-Matching Techniques 592 14-5 S-Parameters 595 14-6 Microstrip Amplifier Design 601 14-7 Waveguides 608 14-8 Directional Couplers 615 14-9 Computer Analysis 620 15 Antennas and Radiowave Propagation 625 15-1 Antenna Radiation 626 15-2 Received Power and Electric Field Strength 629 15-3 Dipole (Hertz) Antenna 629 15-4 Directivity, Gain, and Aperture 630 15-5 Beamwidth 631 15-6 The Grounded Vertical (Marconi) Antenna 631 15-7 Television Antennas and Arrays 633 15-8 The Folded Dipole 634 15-9 Turnstiles, Yagis, and Other Arrays 635 15-10 Loop Antennas 639 15-11 Parabolic Dish Antennas 640 15-12 Wave Propagation Through Space 644 15-13 Power Loss in Space 648 15-14 Computer Analysis 653 16 Basic Television 656 16-1 Overview: Studio to Viewer 657 16-2 Frequency Allocations 658 16-3 TV Cameras 659 16-4 The Scan Raster and Synchronizing Signals 660 16-5 Video Bandwidth and Resolution 662 16-6 Transmitted Video and Audio Signals 662 16-7 Black-and-White TV Receivers 663 16-8 Color Television 674 16-9 High-Definition Television 681 17 Digital Radio and Space Communication 691 17-1 Modems and Digital Modulation Techniques 693 17-2 Noise and Error Rate Performance 710 17-3 Space and Frequency Diversity 714 17-4 System Gain, Power, and Noise Budgets 715 17-5 Satellite Access for Global Networking 720 17-6 Spread Spectrum Systems 730 17-7 Multiple Access Cellular Systems 737 17-8 Digital Modulation in Wireless Cellular and Personal 17-9 RF Receiver and Transmitter System Considerations 760 17-10 RF Integrated Circuits and Transceivers for Digital Communications 780 17-11 Computer Analysis 806 18 Fiber-Optic Communication 811 18-1 The Optical Fiber Communication Link 812 18-2 Light 813 18-3 Light Propagation in Glass Fibers 814 18-4 Transmitter Devices and Circuits 825 18-5 Receiver Devices and Circuits 831 18-6 Transmission Technology 834 17-9 RF Receiver and Transmitter System Considerations 760 17-10 RF Integrated Circuits and Transceivers for Digital Communications 780 17-11 Computer Analysis 806 18 Fiber-Optic Communication 811 18-1 The Optical Fiber Communication Link 812 18-2 Light 813 18-3 Light Propagation in Glass Fibers 814 18-4 Transmitter Devices and Circuits 825 18-5 Receiver Devices and Circuits 831 18-6 Transmission Technology 834 18-7 Fiber-Optic Data-Link Analysis 840 18-8 Fiber-Optic Communication Applications 847 18-9 Computer Analysis 859 Appendices A-1 Appendix A Introducing the Impulse Function A-2 Appendix B Filter Attenuation Curves A-4 Appendix C Feedback Analysis for a Transconductance Amplifier A-10 Appendix D Derivation of Frequency Response for PLLs A-12 Appendix E Communications Software A-16 Appendix F Abbreviations and Acronyms A-22 Answers to Selected Problems ANS-1 Index I-1