George F.Luger于1973年在賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位,并在之后的5年間在愛丁堡大學(xué)人工智能系進行博士后研究?,F(xiàn)在他是新墨西哥大學(xué)計算機科學(xué)研究、語言學(xué)及心理學(xué)教授。
Preface PART I ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ITS ROOTS AND SCOPE 1 1 Al: HISTORY AND APPLICATIONS 3 1.1 From Eden to ENIAC: Attitudes toward Intelligence, Knowledge, and Human Artifice 3 1.2 Overview of AI Application Areas 17 1.3 Artificial Intelligence--A Summary 28 1.4 Epilogue and References 29 1.5 Exercises 31 PART II ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS REPRESENTATION AND SEARCH 33 2 THE PREDICATE CALCULUS 47 2.0 Introduction 47 2.1 The Propositional Calculus 47 2.2 The Predicate Calculus 52 2.3 Using Inference Rules to Produce Predicate Calculus Expressions 64 2.4 Application: A Logic-Based Financial Advisor 75 2.5 Epilogue and References 79 2.6 Exercises 79 PART II (continued) 3 STRUCTURES AND STRATEGIES FOR STATE SPACE SEARCH 3.0 Introduction 81 3.1 Graph Theory 84 3.2 Strategies for State Space Search 93 3.3 Using the State Space to Represent Reasoning with the Predicate Calculus 3.4 Epilogue and References 121 3.5 Exercises 121 4 HEURISTIC SEARCH 123 4.0 Introduction 123 4.1 An Algorithm for Heuristic Search 127 4.2 Admissibility, Monotonicity, and Informedness 139 4.3 Using Heuristics in Games 144 4.4 Complexity Issues 152 4.5 Epilogue and References 156 4.6 Exercises 156 5 CONTROL AND IMPLEMENTATION OF STATE SPACE SEARCH 5.0 Introduction 159 5.1 Recursion-Based Search 160 5.2 Pattern-Directed Search 164 5.3 Production Systems 171 5.4 The Blackboard Architecture for Problem Solving 187 5.5 Epilogue and References 189 5.6 Exercises 190 PART III REPRESENTATION AND INTELLIGENCE: THE Al CHALLENGE 193 6 KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION 197 6.0 Issues in Knowledge Representation 197 6.1 A Brief History of AI Representational Systems 198 6.2 Conceptual Graphs: A Network Language 218 6.3 Alternatives to Explicit Representation 228 6.4 Agent Based and Distributed Problem Solving 235 6.5 Epilogue and References 240 6.6 Exercises 243 PART III (continued) 7 STRONG METHOD PROBLEM SOLVING 247 7.0 Introduction 247 7.1 Overview of Expert System Technology 249 7.2 Rule-Based Expert Systems 256 7.3 Model-Based, Case Based, and Hybrid Systems 268 7.4 Planning 284 7.5 Epilogue and References 299 7.6 Exercises 301 8 REASONING IN UNCERTAIN SITUATIONS 303 8.0 Introduction 303 8.1 Logic-Based Abductive Inference 305 8.2 Abduction: Alternatives to Logic 320 8.3 The Stochastic Approach to Uncertainty 333 8.4 Epilogue and References 344 8.5 Exercises 346 PART IV MACHINE LEARNING 349 9 MACHINE LEARNING: SYMBOL-BASED 351 9.0 Introduction 603 9.1 A Framework for Symbol-based Learning 354 9.2 Version Space Search 360 9.3 The ID3 Decision Tree Induction Algorithm 372 9.4 Inductive Bias and Learnability 381 9.5 Knowledge and Learning 386 9.6 Unsupervised Learning 397 9.7 Reinforcement Learning 406 9.8 Epilogue and References 413 9.9 Exercises 414 10 MACHINE LEARNING: CONNECTIONIST 417 10.0 Introduction 417 10.1 Foundations for Connectionist Networks 419 10.2 Perceptron Learning 422 10.3 Backpropagation Learning 431 10.4 Competitive Learning 438 10.5 Hebbian Coincidence Learning 446 10.6 Attractor Networks or "Memories" 457 10.7 Epilogue and References 467 10.8 Exercises 468 PART IV (continued) 11 MACHINE LEARNING: SOCIAL AND EMERGENT 469 11.0 Social and Emergent Models of Learning 469 11.1 The Genetic Algorithm 471 11.2 Classifier Systems and Genetic Programming 481 11.3 Artificial Life and Society-Based Learning 492 11.4 Epilogue and References 503 11.5 Exercises 504 PARTV ADVANCED TOPICS FOR Al PROBLEM SOLVING 507 12 AUTOMATED REASONING 509 12.0 Introduction to Weak Methods in Theorem Proving 509 12.1 The General Problem Solver and Difference Tables 510 12.2 ResohtionTheorem Proving 516 12.3 PROLOG and Automated Reasoning 537 12.4 Further Issues in Automated Reasoning 543 12.5 Epilogue and References 550 12.6 Exercises 551 13 UNDERSTANDING NATURAL LANGUAGE 553 13.0 Role of Knowledge in Language Understanding 553 13.1 Deconstructing Language: A Symbolic Analysis 556 13.2 Syntax 559 13.3 Syntax and Knowledge with ATN Parsers 568 13.4 Stochastic Tools for Language Analysis 578 13.5 Natural Language Applications 585 13.6 Epilogue and References 592 13.7 Exercises 557 PART VI LANGUAGES AND PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 597 14 AN INTRODUCTION TO PROLOG 603 14.0 Introduction 603 14.1 Syntax for Predicate Calculus Programming 604 14.2 Abstract Data Types (ADTs) in PROLOG 616 14.3 A Production System Example in PROLOG 620 PART VI: 14 AN INTRODUCTION TO PROLOG (continued) 14.4 Designing Alternative Search Strategies 625 14.5 A PROLOG Planner 630 14.6 PROLOG: Meta-Predicates, Types, and Unification 633 14.7 Meta-Interpreters in PROLOG 641 t4.8 Learning Algorithms in PROLOG 656 14.9 Natural Language Processing in PROLOG 666 14.10 Epilogue and References 673 14.11 Exercises 676 15 AN INTRODUCTION TO LISP 679 15.0 Introduction 679 15.1 LISP: A Brief Overview 680 15.2 Search in LISP: A Functional Approach to the Farmer, Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage Problem 702 15.3 Higher-Order Functions and Procedural Abstraction 707 15.4 Search Strategies in LISP 711 15.5 Pattern Matching in LISP 715 15.6 A Recursive Unification Function 717 15.7 Interpreters and Embedded Languages 721 15.8 Logic Programming in LISP 723 15.9 Streams and Delayed Evaluation 732 15.15 An Expert System Shell in LISP 736 15.11 Semantic Networks and Inheritance in LISP 743 15.12 Object-Oriented Programming Using CLOS 747 15.13 Learning in LISP: The ID3 Algorithm 759 15.14 Epilogue and References 771 15.15 Exercises 772 PART VII EPILOGUE 777 16 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AS EMPIRICAL ENQUIRY 779 16.0 Introduction 779 16.1 Artificial Intelligence: A Revised Definition 781 16.2 The Science of Intelligent Systems 792 16.3 Al: Current Issues and Future Directions 803 16.4 Epilogue and References 807 Bibliography 809 Author Index 837 Subject Index 843