This book provides a comPrehensive, modem aPproach to signals and systems,concentfating on those aspects that are most relevant for applications such ascommunication systems and signal processing. Emphasis is placed on buildingthe reader's intuition and problem-solving ability, rather than formal theoremsand proofs.Check out the companion Website at: /girod, for 'Systool'simulation software using Java aPplets to animate many of the key exaInPles andexercises from the book.
Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 Signals 1.2 Systems 1.3 Overview of the Book 1.4 Exercises 2 Time-Domain Models of Continuous LTI-Systems 2.1 Differential Equations 2.2 Block Diagrams 2.3 State-Space Description of LTI-Systems 2.4 Higher-order Differential Equations,Block Diagrams and the State Model 2.5 Equivalent State-Space Representations 2.6 Controllable and Observable Systems 2.7 Summary 2.8 Exercises 3 Modelling LTI-Systems in the Frequency-Domain 3.1 Complex Frequencies 3.2 Eigenfunctions 3.3 Exercises 4 Laplace Transform 4.1 The Eigenfunction Formulation 4.2 Definition of the Laplace Transform 4.3 Unilateral and Bilateral Laplace Transforms 4.4 Examples of Laplace Transforms 4.5 Region of Convergence of the Laplace Transform 4.6 Existence and Uniqueness of the Laplace Transform 4.7 Properties of the Laplace Transform 4.8 Exercises 5 Complex Analysis and the Inverse Laplace Transform 5.1 Path Integrals in the Complex Plane 5.2 The main Principle of Complex Analysis 5.3 Circular Integrals that Enclose Singularities 5.4 Caucby Integrals 5.5 Inverse Laplace Transform 5.6 Exercises 6 Analysis of Continuous-Time LTI-Systems with the Laplace Transform 6.1 System Response to Bilateral Input Signals 6.2 Finding the System Function 6.3 Poles and Zeros of the System Function 6.4 Determining the System Function from Differential Equations 6.5 Summarising Example 6.6 Combining Simple LTI-Systems 6.7 Combining LTI-Systems with Multiple Inputs and Outputs 6.8 Analysis of State-Space Descriptions 6.9 Exercises 7 Solving Initial Condition Problems with the Laplace Transform 7.1 First-Order Systems 7.2 Second-Order Systems 7.3 Higher-Order Systems 7.4 Assessment of the Procedures for Solving Initial Condition Problems 7.5 Exercises 8 Convolution and Impulse Response 8.1 Motivation 8.2 Time Behaviour of an RC-Circuit 8.3 The Delta Impulse 8.4 Convolution 8.5 Applications 8.6 Exercises 9 The Fourier Transform 9.1 Review of the Laplace Transform 9.2 Definition of the Fourier Transform 9.3 similarities and Differences between Fourier and Laplace Transforms 9.4 Examples of the Fourier Transform 9.5 Symmetries of the Fourier Transform 9.6 Inverse Fourier Transform 9.7 Properties of the Fourier Transform 9.8 Parseval's Theorem 9.9 Correlation of Deterministic Signals 9.10 Time-Bandwidth Product 9.11 Exercises 10 Bode Plots 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Contribution of Individual Poles and Zeros 10.3 Bode Plots for Multiple Poles and Zeros 10.4 Rules for Bode Plots 10.5 Complex Pairs of Poles and Zeros 10.6 Exercises 11 Sampling and Periodic Signals 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Delta Impulse Train and Periodic Functions 11.3 Sampling 11.4 Exercises 12 The Spectrum of Discrete Signals 12.1 Discrete-Time Signals 12.2 Some Simple Sequences 12.3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 12.4 Sampling Continuous Signals 12.5 Properties of the F* Transform 12.6 Exercises 13 The z-Transform 13.1 Definition and Examples 13.2 Region of Convergence of the z-Transform 13.3 Relationships to Other Transformations 13.4 Theorems of the z-Transform 13.5 Inverse z-Transform 13.6 Pole-Zero diagrams in the z-Plane 13.7 Exercises 14 Discrete-Time LTI-Systems 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Linearity and Time-Invariance 14.3 Linear Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients 14.4 Characteristic Sequences and System Functions of Discrete LTI-Systems 14.5 Block Diagrams and State-Space 14.6 Discrete Convolution and Impulse Response 14.7 Exercises 15 Causality and the Hilbert Transform 15.1 Causal Systems 15.2 Causal Signals 15.3 Signals with a One-Sided Spectrum 15.4 Exercises 16 Stability and Feedback Systems 16.1 BIBO,Impulse Response and Frequency Response Curve 16.2 Causal Stable LTI-Systems 16.3 Feedback Systems 16.4 Exercises 17 Describing Random Signals 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Expected Values 17.3 Stationary Random Processes 17.4 Correlation Functions 17.5 Power density Spectra 17.6 Describing Discrete Random Signals 17.7 Exercises 18 Random Signals and LTI-Systems 18.1 Combining Random Signals 18.2 Response of LTI-Systems to Random Signals 18.3 Signal Estimation Using the Wiener Filter 18.4 Exercises Appendix A Solutions to the Exercises Appendix B Tables of Transformations B.1 Bilateral Laplace Transform Pairs B.2 Properties of the Bilateral Laplace Transform B.3 Fourier Transform Pairs B.4 Properties of the Fourier Transform B.5 Two-sided z-Transform Pairs B.6 Properties of the z-Transform B.7 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Pairs B.8 Proerties of the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Bibliography Index