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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語詞匯/語法/閱讀新編英語語法教程:英文講授提綱與練習參考答案



定 價:¥13.20

作 者: 章振邦主編
出版社: 上海外語教育出版社
標 簽: 英語 語法


ISBN: 9787810098854 出版時間: 1995-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 20cm 頁數: 419頁 字數:  






Part One Teaching Outline
Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy
 0.1 Morphemes
0.2 Words
0.3 Phrases
0.4 Clauses
0.5 Sentences
 Lecture 1: Sentence Structure
1.1 Clause elements
1.2 Basic clause types and their transformation and expansion
 Lecture 2: Subject-verb Concord (I)
2.1 Guiding principles
2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in -s
2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns
 Lecture 3: Subject-verb Concord (II)
3.1 Problems of concord with subject containing coordinate forms
3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity
3.3 Problems of concord with nominal clause as subject
3.4 Problems of concord in relative clause, cleft-sentence and existential sentence
 Lecture 4: Noun and Noun Phrase
4.1 Classification of nouns
4.2 Number forms of nouns
4.3 Partitives
 Lecture 5: Genitive Noun
5.1 Formation and meanings of genitive nouns
5.2 Independent genitive, post-genitive and double genitive
 Lecture 6: Determiners (I)
6.1 Collocations between determiners and nouns
6.2 Collocations between determiners
6.3 Comparative study of certain determiners
 Lecture 7: Determiners (II) --Articles
7.1 Generic and specific reference
7.2 Article usage
 Lecture 8: Pronouns (I)
8.1 Pronoun concord in number
8.2 Pronoun concord in gender
8.3 Pronoun concord in person
 Lecture 9: Pronouns (II)
9.1 Choice of pronoun case forms
9.2 Possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns and generic use of personal pronouns
9.3 Pronoun reference
 Lecture 10: Verb and Verb Phrase Simple Present and Simple Past
  10.1 Classification of verbs
  10.2 Simple present
 10.3 Simple past
Part Two Key to Exercises


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