Chapter 1 Language,Linguistics and Lexicology 1-1-1:ADefinition of Language 1-1-2:Language,society and Thought 1-1-1:A Definition of Linguistics 1-2-2:The Scope of Linguistics 1-3-1:What Is Lexicology? 1-3-2:Aims and Significance of the course of English Lexicology 1-3-3:The Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics 1-3-4:Two Approaches to the Study of English LexIcology Chatper 2 The Sources of the English Vocablulary 2-1-1:The English People and the English Language 2-1-1:The Position and Character of the English Language in the Indo-European Family 2-1-3:The Divisions of the History of the English Language 2-1-4:Some Characteristics of Old English 2-1-5:Some Characteristics of Middle English 2-1-6:Some Chatacteristics of Modern English 2-2-1:Words of Native Orign 2-2-2:Borrowed Words in the English Vocabulary 2-3-1:The foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary 2-3-3:The French Elements in the English Vocabulary 2-3-4:The Latin Elements in the English Vocabulary …… Chapter 3 Word Meaning and Semantic Relations Chapter 4 The Changing English Vocabulary Chatper 5 Word-formation in English Chapter 6 Enlgish Idioms Chapter 7 British and American English Chapter 8 English dictionaries and how to use Them Bibliography