Chapter 8 The Age of Romanticism(1798-1832) 1 Historical background 2 Intellectual background 3 Characteristic features of the romantic movement William Wordsworth(1770-1850) Preface to Lyrical Ballads Composed u pon Westerminster Bridge The Solitary Reaper I W andered Lonely as a Cloud Lines Com posed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834) Kubla Khan Don Juan When We Two Parted She Walks in Beauty Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) Song to the Men of England Ode to the West Wind John Keats (1795-1821) On First Looking into Chapman's Homer Ode to a Nightingale To Autumn Charles Lamb(1775-1834) Old China Thomas de Quincey(1785-1859) On teh Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth Walter Scott(1771-1832) Ivanhoe Chapter 9 The Victorian Age(1832-1901) Chapter 10 The Twentieth Century 中文目錄