1. He 18 a bicycle doctor.
2. You cannot be too careful.
3. Do you know how to service thls new-
type machlne?
4. I couldn't have got to Slough in tlme
unless I'd had a helicopter
5. He is a good sallor.
6. You are belng insultlng her!
7. I don't know whether they are not here
8. We should adopt an effective economy
9. Your llttle daughter waa stood in the
10. You can flnd doctora and doctors in
Hong Kong!
11. They do not advocate pragmatlam
12. He 18 an English student.
13. We propose to start from Tsuen Wan at
seven o'clock.
14. "When do you expect them?""I expect
them thls afternoon."
15. Thls bottle Is qulte full.
16. Symptoms of consumptlon developed
17. Please glve me an extra thlck book
18. The door Is photocell controlled by
operatlng a keyboard.
19. We have been to every other clty
besides Tokyo.
20. They have gone to Macau
21. Why should you do it?
22. He remlnded me that I had better not
go to Po Tol Island today I shook
my head.
23. They look in at the door
24. What a ahame !
25. Shall I buy a copy of South Chlna
Mornlng Post for you?
26. Would you llke John or Mary to go
wlth you to Repulse Bay?
27. They dld not come to Queen Mary
Hospltal because they wanted to
see me.
28. There is no rule but has exceptlons.
29. To my surprise, he said that Repulse
Bay is no more beautiful than Deep
30. Anita is no Jess an actress than a
31. I do not know all of them
32. Bofh brothers are not here.
33 The First Clerk of the Magistracy must
be law-abidlng and honesty Itself
34. They must follow all Unlon resolutlons
35. The clock runs slow.
36. The llttle glrl is dear to me.
37. They must have repalred the lathe.
38. Work and play are both necesaary to
our health; thls gives us rest and
that glves us energy.
39. John has as many Engllsh books again
as Mary.
40 The sales of domestlc industrial
products have multlplied five times
slnce 1960.
41 This is a plcture of Shlrley's
42. I forgot posting the letter.
43. He has a weakness for flsh
44. He ate hls worda.
45. Allow me to venture a remark such
as It Is.
46. I have no more than flve dollars in
my pocket.
47. She comes from Macau.
48. OldWang, the postman Is at the
door now.
49. He has a son , who is a doctor of
MacLehose Dental Centre.
50. I like the Jockey for all hls faults.
51. Wlth a leaden heart we bade farewell
to the dead
52 Nothlng is more preclous than tlme
yet nothlng Is less valued!
53 "Wealth Is nothing, posltlon is
nothlng, fame is nothing, to serve
the patlents heart and soul
is everything. "a doctor sald.
54. We have not heard frbm Steven as
well as from Andy.
55. I, alao, phoned Mr. Lln today
56. Durlng her absence In New York
I pald a vlslt to her
57. He is no fool
58. They are the students of Hong Kong
Baptlst College.
59 John, read the tenth and last
paragraph of the text, please.
60 Glve me a pall of purlfylng water,
61. His native town is in the west of
62. He has been wlred to from home.
63. They will get marrled in a month.
64. BotA (the) men are writlng an article
65. We are seeing Mr. Li tomorrow
66. We sat reading all the evenlng.
67. You must begln with this work
68. I don't llke to go to Repulse Bay.
69. It is a good machlne that can work
without power.
70. The distance between your college
and our instltute 18 one kilometer
or 1093.6 yd.
71. What are the oyster today?
72. Happlly they dld not dle.
73. Rlghtly the meeting ended early
74. I dldn't know Mr. Wang from Mr Li.
75. He must needs go away just when 1
want his help!
76. No one man can fulfil the task
77. Tlghten the nut the rlght way, please!
78. Sing Tao footballers are sure of
79. The footballers of Brltlsh Forces are
80. You look pale Don' t tell me you're
slck again.
81. She is a danclng-teacher.
82. He is the Chinese Ambassador.
83. Stick the stamp on yourself, please.
84. Mr. Smith dld not explaln it correctly
and clearly.
85. Mr Lln explained to me that he
could not attend the meetlng
86. Tyson is in jall.
87. The Court Interpreter reslgned for
the apparent reason that hls health
was falling.
88. I wlll avenge him.
89. The road leadlng to Yau Ma Tel is
in repalr.
90. He llves in the country .
91. Have you ever read"Reminiscences
of Marx"by Lafargue?
92. Three months have elased since our
93. There are many fruits in the dlsh
94. You can't go for two or three days
95. I shall take a photo
96. I gave hlm ten dollara In notes.
97. It is strange that you should agree
wlth them.
98. They gave us the tlckets freely.
99. Is he in the dormltory 0 or In the
dlnlng-room ?
100. Between you and me It is nothlng
101. What is learned In the cradle lasts
to the grave.
102. He caugbt me by the hand.
103. I have stayed at home slnce I was lll
104. Failing that, they prefer recognltlon
but. no trade relatlons.
105. Hslao Li is a boy of a glrl
106. You are supposed to know the law
of the government.
107. This room is nlce and cool
108. Dld you see my watcb and chain
this mornlng?
109. To some Westerners, it is qulte clear
that the economlc sltuatlon of the
Unlted States In 1992 18 under greater
and greater challenge.
110. She is Betty, or is she?
111. This is a colony of termltes.
112. I'm fully occupied today. If you
won't come tonlght well and good
113. It is not half sbiwt today.
114 At the meetlng they offered twenty
and twenty suggeatlons.
115. He used to beat the boy black and
116. He who should do this would be
117. The waitress served me a Coke of a
118. Mary 18 If anything a llttle taller
than I.
119. The bus 18 stopped.
120. Let's meet sometime next week