Authorized English language reprint edition jointly published by McGraw-Hill Education Co.and China Machine Press.This edition is authorized sale in the People's Republic of China only,excluding Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan. Unauthorized export of this edition is a violation of the Copyright Act.Violation of this Law is subject Civil and Criminal Penalties.
CHAPTER l Classes in C++ 1 1. 1 Classes 2 CHAPTER 2 Storage Structures for Container Classes 3s 2. 1 Pointers 36 2. 2 Arrays 41 2. 3 Container Classes 42 CHAPIER 3 Introduction to Software Engineering 63 3. 1 The Software Developmental Life Cycle 64 3. 2 Problem Analysis 64 3. 3 Program Design 67 3. 4 Program Implementation 71 3 .5 Program Maintenance 87 CHAPTER 4 4. 1 Introduction 94 4. 2 Factorials 94 4. 3 Decimal-to-Binary 99 4. 4 Towers of Hanoi 103 4. 5 Backtracking 112 4. 6 Binary Search 125 4. 7 Generating Permutations 135 4. 8 Indirect Recursion 144 4. 9 The Cost of Recursion 145 Summary 146 Exercises 147 Programming Project 4.1 : An Iterative Version of Towers of Hanoi 154 Programming Project 4.2: The Eight-Queens Problem 156 Programming Project 4.3: A Knight's Tour 158 CHAPTER 5 5. 1 The Standard Template Library 164 5. 2 Vectors 165 5. 3 A Vector Application: High-Precision Arithmetic 184 5. 4 Deques 190 5. 5 A Deque Application: Very Long Integers 198 Summary 199 Exercises 199 Programming Project 5.1 : Extending the very_long_int Class 203 Programming Project 5.2: An Alternative Implementation of the deque Class 204 CHAPTER 6 Lists 205 6. 1 Lists 206 6. 2 List Application: A Line Editor 228 Summary 240 Exercises 241 Programming Project 6.1: Extending the Editor Class 244 Programming Project 6.2: An Alternate Design and Implementation of the list Class 251 CHAPTER 7 Queues and Staeks 253 7. 1 Queues 254 7. 2 Computer Simulation 261 7. 3 A Queue Application: A Simulated Car Wash 264 7. 4 Stacks 274 7. 5 Stack Application 1: How Recursion Is Implemented 277 7. 6 Stack Application 2: Conveting Infix to Postfix 285 Summary 295 Exercises 295 Programming Project 7.1: Extending the Car Wash Application 298 Programming Project 7.2: Evaluating a Condition 300 Programming Project 7.3: An Iterative Maze Search 304 Programming Project 7.4: An Alternate Design of the queue Class 305 CHAPTER 8 Binary Trees and Binary Search 8. 1 Definition and Properties 308 8. 2 Binary Search Trees 324 Summary 345 Exercises 346 Programming Project 8. 1 : Alternative Implementation of the BinSearch Tree Class 350 CHAPTERg 9 AVL Ttees 353 9. 1 Balanced Binary Search Trees 354 9. 2 Rotations 354 9. 3 AVL Trees 358 9. 4 AVL Tree Application: A Simple Spell- Checker 380 Summary 383 Exercises 384 Programming Project 9.1: The erase Method in the AVLTree Class 388 Programming Project 9.2: Enhancing the SpeIIChecker Project 389 CHAPTER 10 Red-Black Trees 391 10. 1 Red-Black Trees 392 10. 2 The Standard Template Library's Associative Containers 422 10. 3 Set Application: Spell-Checker, Revisited 425 Summary 432 Exercises 432 Programming Project 10.1: A Simple Thesauras 436 Programming Project 10.2: Building a Concordance 437 CHAPTER 11 Priority Queues 11.1 Introduction 440 11.2 Application of Priority Queues: Huffman Codes 456 Summary 469 Exercises 469 Programming Project 11.1: Decoding a Message 473 CHAPTER 12 Sorting 477 12.1 Introduction 478 12.2 How Fast Can We son? 481 12.3 Fast Sorts 483 Summary 501 Exercises 501 Programming Project 12.1: Sorting a File 509 CHPTER 13 Searehing and the Hash Classe 13.1 A Framework to Analyze Searching 514 13.2 Review of Searching 514 13.3 The hash_map Class 517 13.4 The hash set Class 540 13.5 Open-Address Hashing 540 Summary 557 Exercises 558 Programming Project 13.1: A Run-Time Comparison of Chaining and Double Hashing in Building a Symbol Table 561 CHAPTER 14 14. 1 Undirected Graphs 564 14. 2 Directed Graphs 567 14. 3 Trees 568 14. 4 Networks 569 14. 5 Oraph Algorithms 571 14. 6 Developing a Network Class 588 14. 7 The network Class 589 14.8 Backtracking through a Network 607 Summary 610 Exercises 610 Programming Project 14.1 : Completing the Adjacency-Matrix Implementation 614 Programming Project 14.2: Backtracking through a Network 615 APPENDIX 1 A1. 1 Introduction 619 A1. 2 Functions and Sequences 619 A1. 3 Sums and Products 620 A1. 4 Logarithms 621 A1. 5 Mathematical Induction 623 A1. 6 Induction and Recursion 630 APPENDIX 2 The string A2. 1 Introduction 633 A2. 2 Declaration of the string Class 633 A2. 3 Fields and Implementation of the string Class 644 APPENDIX 3 Polymorphism 647 A3. 1 Introduction 647 A3. 2 The Importance of Polymorphism 648 A3. 3 Dynamic Binding 649 References 651 Index 653