Preface 1 Overview 1.1 Condensed matter physics 1.2 An example-H2o 1.3 Energies and potentials Bibliorgbhy References 2 Structure and scattering 2.1 Elementary scattering theory-Braggs law 2.2 Photons neutruons or elctrons 2.3 The density operator and its correlation functions 2.4 Lipuids and gases 2.5 Crystalline Sokids 2.6 Symmerty and crystal structure 2.7 Liquid crystals 2.8 One-and two-dimensional order in three-dimensional materials 2.9 Incommensurate structures 2.10 Quasicrystals 2.11 Magnetic order 2.12 Random isotopic fractls 3 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics 4 Mean-field theory 5 Field theories,critical phenomena and the reormalization group 6 Generalized elasticity 7 Dynamics:correlation and response 8 Hydrodynamics 9 Topological defects 10 Walls kinks and solitons Bibliograhy References Problems Golssary Index