1 The Circuitry SUMMARY CASE 2 Electrical Activity of the Heart CARDIAC ACTION POTENTIALS CONSIST OF SEVERAL PHASS Principal Types of Cardiac Action Potentials Are the Slow and Fast Types Ionic Baqsis of the Resting Potential,The Fast Respondent Sodium Channels Ionic Basis of the Slow Response CONDUCTION IN CARDIAC FLBERS DEPENDS ON LOCAL CIRCUTL CURRENTS Conduction of the fast Response Conduction of the slow Response CARDIAC EXCITABILITY DEPENDS ON THE ACTIVATION AND INACTIVATION OF SPECIFIC CURRENTS Fast Response Slow Response Effects of Cycle Length THE HEART GENERATES ITS OWN PACEMAKING ACTIVITY Sinoatrial Node Ionic Basis of Automaticity Overdrive Suppression Atrial Conduction Atrioventricular Conducion Ventricular Conduction AN IMPULSE CAM TRAVEL AROUND A REENTRY LOOP AFTERDEPOLARIZATLONS LEAD TO TRIGGERED ACTIVITY Early Afterdepolarizations Delayed Afrterdepolarizations ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY DISPLAYS THE SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION Scalar Electrocardiography DYSRHYTHMIAS OCCUR FREQUENTLYAND CONSTITUTE IMPOQUENTLY CLINICAL PROBLEMS Altered Sinoatrial Rhythms Atrioventricular Transmission Blocks Premature Depolarizations Ectopic Tachycardias Fibrillation SUMMARY CASE 3 The Cardiac Pump 4 Regulation of the Heartbeat 5 Hemodynamics 6 The Arterial System 7 The Microcirculation and Lymphatics 8 The Peripheral Circulation and Its Control 9 Control of Cardiac Output:Coupling of Heart and Blood Vessels 10 Coronary Circulation 11 Special Circulations 12 Interplay of Central and Peripheral Factors in the Control of the Circulation Appendix:Case Study Answers