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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術(shù)計算機/網(wǎng)絡認證與等級考試Oracle認證OCP Oracle9i Database:FundamentalsⅡ考試指南:英文版

OCP Oracle9i Database:FundamentalsⅡ考試指南:英文版

OCP Oracle9i Database:FundamentalsⅡ考試指南:英文版

定 價:¥98.00

作 者: (美)Rama Velpuri著
出版社: 機械工業(yè)出版社
叢編項: Oracle技術(shù)系列叢書
標 簽: Oracle


ISBN: 9787111100973 出版時間: 2002-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 24cm+光盤1片 頁數(shù): 572 字數(shù):  


  本書內(nèi)容分為三個部分。第一部分PARTⅠ Oracle Networking:1 Networking Overview;2 Basic Oracle Net Architecture;3 Basic Net Server-Side Configuration;4 Basic RACLE Net Services Client-Side Configuration;5 Usage and Configuration of the Oracle Shared Server。PART Ⅱ Backup and Recovery:6 Backup and Recovery Overview;7 Instance and Media Recovery Structures;8 Configuring the Database Archive Mode;9 Oracle Recovery Manager Overview and Configuration;10 User-Managed Backups;11 Rman Backups;12 User-Managed Complete Recovery;13 RMAN Complete Recovery;14 User-Managed Lncomplete Recovery;15 RMAN Incomplete Recovery;16 RMAN Maintenance;17 Recovery Catalog Creation and Maintenance;18 Transporting Data Between Databases;19 Loading Data into a Database。第三部分PART Ⅲ Test Yourself:Oracle 9i DBA PRActice Exams:20 Practice Exams for OCP DBAⅡ Fundamentals。


  Rama Velpuri:Rama Velpuri is the founder and CEO of ORAMASTERS Inc,OPAMASTERS specializes in providing Online support ser-vices for Oracle users worldwide.Before founding ORA-MASTERS,Mr.Velpuri worked with Oracle Corporation for more than ten Years.


PART I Oracle Networking
1 Networking Overview
NetWorking Challenges in the Business Environment
Network Configurations
Oracle's Solution to NetWorking lssues
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
2 Basic Oracle Net Architecture
Open System Interconnection Architecture
Oracle Net Layered Architecture
Oracle Net Services
Web Client Connections
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
3 Basic Net Server-Side Configuration
How the Listener Responds to Incoming Connections
Components of the Listener
Configuring the Listener Using the Oracle Net Manager
Controlling the Listener Using the Listener Control Utility (Isnrctl)
Dynamic Service Registration
Configuring the Listener for IIOP
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
4 Basic Oracle Net Services Client-Side Configuration
Naming Methods
Configuring the Host Naming Method
Configuring the Local Naming Method
Configuring Net Service Names
Performing Simple Connection Troubleshooting
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
5 Usage and Configuration of the Oracle Shared Server
Identifying the Components of the Oracle Shared Server
Oracle Shared Server Architecture
Configuring the Orac1e Shared Server
Shared Server Related Dictionary Views
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
PART II Backup and Recovery
6 Backup and Recovery Overview
Classification of Failures
Basics of Database Backup, Restoration, and Recovery
Backup and Recovery Strategies
Disaster Recovery Plan
Oracle'S High-Availability Features
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
7 Instance and Media Recovery Structures
Oracle Memory Structures
Oracle Background Processes
Oracle Database Files
Importance of Checkpoints During Instance Recovery
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
8 Configuring the Database Archive Mode
Differences Between ARCHIVELOG and NOARCHIVELOG Mode
Configuring a Database for ARCHIVELOG Mode
Configuring Multiple Archive Processes
Configuring Multiple Destinations, Including Remote Destinations
Useful V$VIEWS
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
9 Oracle Recovery Manager Overview and Connguration
Features of RMAN
Components of RMAN
RMAN Repository
RMAN Channel Allocation
Media Management Library Interface
Connecting to RMAN Without the Recovery Catalog
Configuring the RMAN Environment
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
l0 User-Managed Backups
User-Managed Backup and Recovery
Closed Database Backups
Open Database Backups
Backups of Read-Only Tablespaces
Backup of the Control File
Backups of Archived Redo Logs
Cleanup Operations after Failed Online Backups
dbverify Utility
Chapter Questions
Answers to Chapter Questions
11 RMAN Backups
RMAN Backup Concepts
RMAN Image Copies
RMAN Backup Sets
Tags for Backup Sets and Image Copies
Backing Up the ControI File
Backing Up the Archive Redo Log files
Important V$VIEWS
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
12 User-Managed Complete Recovery
Media Recovery
Performing User-Managed Complete Recovery
Performing Recovery in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
Performing Complete Recovery in ARCHlVELOG Mode
Restoring Data Files to Different Locations
Relocating and Recovering a Tablespace Using Archived
Loss of an Online Inactive Redo Log Group and Recovery
Recovery of Read-Only Tablespaces
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
13 RMAN Complete Recovery
Server Managed Media Recovery Using RMAN
Performing Recovery in NOARCHIVELOG Mode
Performing Complete Recovery in ARCHIVELOG Mode
Restore Data Files to Different Locations Using RMAN
Relocate and Recover a Tablespace Using the Archived Redo Log Files
Block Media Recovery (BMR)
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
14 User Managed Incomplete Recovery
Incomplete Recovery
Identifying Loss of a Current Online Redo Log File
Media Recovery in Parallel
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
15 RMAN Incomplete Recovery
Incomplete Recovery Using RMAN
Perform an Incomplete Database Recovery Using UNTIL TIME
Perform Incomplete Database Recovery Using UNTIL SEQUENCE
Restore Optimization
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
16 RMAN Maintenance
RMAN Crosscheck
Performing a Crosscheck of Backup Sets and Image Copies
Updating the Repository When Backups Have Been Deleted
Changing the Availability Status of Backup Sets and Image Copies
Making a Backup Set or an Image Copy Exempt from the
Cataloging Backups Made with the Operating System Commands
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
17 Recovery Catalog Creation and Maintenance
Contents of the Recovery Catalog
Recovery Catalog Creation
Use RMAN to Register, Resynchronize, and Reset a Database
Maintain the Recovery Catalog by Using RMAN Commands
Query the Recovery Catalog to Generate Reports and Lists
Create, Store, and Run Scripts
Methods Of Backing Up and Recovering the Recovery Catalog
Important Recovery Catalog Views
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
18 Transporting Data Between Databases
Oracle Logical Backups
Export Concepts and Structures
Import Concepts and Structures
A List of Export and Import ferameters
Methods to Invoke Export and Import
Perform Export and Import Operations
List Guidelines for Using Export and Import
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
19 Loading Data into a Database
Direct-Path Insert Operations
SQL*Loader Usage
Loading Methods in SQL*Loader
SQL*Loader Files
Performing Basic SQL*Loader Operations
Guidelines for Using SQL*Loader and Direct-Load Insert
Chapter Questions
Chapter Answers
PART III TestYourseIf: Oracle9i DBA Practice Exams
20 Practice Exams for OCP DBA II Fundamentals
Full--Length Examination I
Full-Length Examination II
Answers to Full-Length Examination I
Answers to Full-Length Examination II


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