PART Ⅰ RECREATION&SPORTS 康體篇 UNIT 1 Table Tennis&Badminton(乒乓球與羽毛球) 1-1 The Kingdom of Pingpong(乒乓球王國) 1-2 Getting a Coach(請教練) 1-3 Getting Started(準備開始) 1-4 About Badminton(關于羽毛球) Exercises(練習) UNIT 2 At the Bowling Room(在保齡球館) 2-1 Bowling Etiquette(打球須知) 2-2 Making Preparations for Bowling(準備打球) 2-3 How to Score at the Bowling(計分) 2-4 Claiming for Damage(索賠) Exercises(練習) UNIT 3 Keep-fit&Swimming(健身與游泳) 3-1 Introducing Gym Facilities(介紹健身房設施) 3-2 About Taijiquan and Qigong Exercises(關于太極拳與氣功) 3-3 The Swimming Pool(游泳池) 3-4 Getting Ready for Swimming(準備游泳) Exercises(練習) UNIT 4 The Membership(會員制) 4-1 Introducing the Club Membership(Ⅰ)(介紹會員制Ⅰ) 4-2 Introducing the Club Membership(Ⅱ)(介紹會員制Ⅱ) 4-3 How to Become a Club Member(如何入會) 4-4 Paying the Bill(結(jié)賬) Exercises(練習) PART Ⅱ ENTERrAINMENT&AMUSEMENT 娛樂篇 UNIT 1 Night Club(夜總會) 1-1 Inquiring Information(信息咨詢) 1-2Arrangementsfora Fashion Show(安排時裝表演) 1-3 At the Show Hall(在表演廳) 1-4 In the Chess?Poker Room(在棋牌室) Exemises(練習) UNIT 2 Singing(唱歌) 2-1 At the KaraOke Bar(在卡拉0K吧) 2-2 Using the Pad(使用留言簿) 2-3 In the KaraOke Room(在KTV包房) 2-4 Hiring a Singer(聘請歌手) Exercises(練習) UNIT 3 Dancing(跳舞) 3-1 Organizing a Dance Party(組織舞會) 3-2 Ways of Paying(付款方式) 3-3 Offering First Aid(急救) 3-4 Cooling off a Persistent Guest(擺脫客人糾纏) Exemises(練習) UNIT 4 The Amusement Park(在游樂場) 4-1 Talking about the Amusement Park(談論游樂場) 4-2 Bungee Jumping(蹦極跳) 4-3 ln the Arche~Hall(在射箭廳) 4-4 Giving Archery Instructions(射箭指導) Exercises(練習) PART Ⅲ BODY BUlLDING&BEAUTY CREATING 健美篇 UNIT 1 Sauna(桑拿浴) 1-1 Receiving lhe Client(接待顧客) 1-2 Before Sauna(桑拿浴前) 1-3 During Sauna(桑拿浴中) 1-4 Al the Sauna Bar(在桑拿吧) Exercises(練習) UNIT 2 Massage(按摩) 2-1 IntrodIJc Jng Massage(介紹按摩) 2-2 Before the Massage(按摩前) 2-3 During lhe Massage(按摩中) 2-4 The Wake-up(叫醒服務) Exercises(練習) UNIT 3 Hair Dressing(美發(fā)) 3-1 Hair Dressing for Ladies(女士美發(fā)) 3-2 Having a Hair Perm(燙發(fā)) 3-3 Al the Barbers(在理發(fā)店) 3-4 Recommending Hair Tonic(推薦生發(fā)水) Exercises(練習) Unit 4 Cosmetology(美容) 4-1 A Reservation Call(預訂電話) 4-2 Face cIeansing(面部清潔) 4-3 Make-up(I)(化妝I) 4-4 Make-up(II)(化妝II) Exercises(練習) PART Ⅳ LEISURE&OUTDOOR ACTlVITIES 休閑篇 UNlT 1 Golf&Tenn’ls(高爾夫球與網(wǎng)球) 1-1 Receiving Golf PIayers(接待高爾夫球客人) 1-2GMng lnstructions(提供指導) 1-3 Renting Te nnis Rackets(租借網(wǎng)球拍) 1-4 During lhe IntervaI(比賽間歇) Exercises(練習) UNlT 2 Camping(野營) 2-1 Enter‘i rlg for the Camping(報名參加野營) 2-2 Preparalions before Going(出發(fā)前準備) 2-3 Renting lhe Tent(借帳篷) 2-4 Safely First(安全第一) Exercries(練習) UNIT 3 WaLterside AclMljes(水上活動) 3-1 Enjoying Four“S”(享受四S) 3-2 DiVing(潛水) 3-3 Al the Seaside Resort(在海濱勝地) 3-4 Angling(垂釣) Exercises(練習) UNIT 4 Other OutdoorActivities(其他野外活動) 4-1 Receiving the Skiing Clients(接待滑雪客人) 4-2 Al the Primary Ski Slope(在初級滑雪道) 4-3 Horse Riding(騎馬) 4-4 Scaling the Rock Surface(攀巖) Exercises(練習) APPENDIX PHONETICS AND BASIC GRAMMAR 英語語音和基礎語法 Section A Phonetics(語音) Section B Basic Grammar(基礎語法)