1.How They Got Yamamot0
2.The Hell of Ofuna:As a“Guest”0f the Japanese in World War
3.The Destruction of the Heavy Water Plant in Norway
4.Fighring Behind the Enemy Lines
5.Gulf War Stories
6.Return to Heartbreak Ridge
7.Pearl Harbor:Day of Infamy
8.Operation Cobra
9.Intelligence and the Onset of World War Il
10.Enemy at the Gates
11.The Ship That Wouldn’t Sink
12.The Last Days of Saigon
13.Winners and Losers from the Vietnam War
14.Women in the US Army
1 5.The Conflict of Malvinas Islands
16.The Invasion of Grenada
17.Lost and Found in Iraq
18.Truck.bomb Attack in Beirut
19.Waiting for the Knock on the Door
20.Madeleine’S War