A a bunch of a case in point a couple of a good many a far cry a great amount of a great deal a great deal of a headache a host of a kind of a long time ago a lot of a mass of a narrow escape a number of a packet of a pair of a piece of a quarter of a sense of a series of a set of a source of a trifle a variety of a bove all accunt for acct as act on adapt onesdlf to add to address by adjacent to after a while after all after class again and again agree on agree with ahead of aim at aim for all along all at once all but all in all all kinds of all one's life all over all right all sorts of all the same all the time all the while all too allow for along with amount to and so on and so forth …… B cack and forth back off back up be able to be accustomed to be afraid of be an epert in be apt to armed with be ashamde at be associated with be at be attracted ty be aware of be based of be better off beyond one's means binding on be ored with be born of be born with be busy doing sth be capable of be chainde to be chary of be compared to …… C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z