前言 體例說明 上篇:常用介詞用法例解 A abaft aboard about above accordingto across acrossfrom afore after against aheadof ala along alongwith alongside alongsideof amid/amidst among/amongst apartfrom aproposof around as asagainst asfor asfrom asof asopposedto asper asregards asto asidefrom aslant astraddle astride at athomein atintervalsof attheback/rearof atthebeginningof atthebottomof attheendof atthetimeof atthetopof atvariancewith athwart atop awayfrom B backof bar barring becauseof before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but butfor by bydintof bymeansof byvirtueof bywayof C circa closeto con concerning considering contraryto cum D dependingon despite down dueto during E ere except exceptfor excepting excluding exclusiveof F failing following for forfearof forthesakeof fore from G given I in inaccordancewith inadditionto inbetween incaseof incomparisonwith inconnectionwith inconsequenceof incontrastto/with indisregardof infavourof infor infrontof inkeepingwith inleaguewith inlieuof inlightof inlinewith inplaceof inpointof inregardto inrelationto inrespectto inspiteof intermsof inthefrontof inthemiddle/midstof inthewakeof inviewof inwith including inside insteadof into irrespectiveof L less like M minus N near nearto next nextto nigh notwithstanding O of off on onaccountof onbehalfof onboard ontheeveof onthegroundof onthepointof onthestrengthof ontopof onto opposedto opposite otherthan OUt outof outside outsideof over overagainst owingto P past pending per plus preparatoryto previousto priorto pro pursuantto Q qua R ratherthan re regarding regardlessof respecting round S save savefor since subsequentto T than thanksto through throughout till times to toward/towards U under underneath unless unlike until unto up upagainst upfor upto upuntil upon V versus via vice vis-a-vis W wanting whatwith with withregardto withrespectto withtheaidof withtheexceptionof within without withoutregardto worth下篇:常用詞與介詞搭配 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 附錄一:介詞的位置 附錄二:介詞短語的構(gòu)成 附錄三:介詞短語的句法功能