Unit 1 mythsand legends in-class reding why the tortoise s shell ls not smooth new words phrases & expressions discrimination after-class reading passage Ⅰ beauty and the beast new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅱ the monkey king new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅲ the fistbeginning new words phrases & expressions discrimination Unit 2 manners in-class reading no one stops to say“thank you”anymore new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅰ men s liberation from etiquette new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅱ who pays the check? new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅲ why manners? new words phrases & expressions discrimination Unit 3 leisure activities in-class reading entertaining humor-whta s funny? new words phrases & expressions discrimination after-class reading passage Ⅰ underwater concert new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅱ fatal atraction new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅲ wow,would l love to do that new words phrases & expressions discrimination unit 4 science and technology in-class reading too fast? new words phrases & expressions discrimination after-class reading passage Ⅰ true love new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅱ back from the dead new words phrases & expressions discrimination passage Ⅲ watch out-you re on camera new words phrases & expressions discrimination unit 5 the power of words unit 6 success unit 7 athletes unit 8 healthy living unit 9 friends and friendship unit 10 business strategies unit 11 heroes unit 12 public speaking