CHAPTER 1 DECISION ANALYSIS 1.1 A decision tree model and its analysis 1.2 summary of the general method of decision analysis 1.3 another decision the model and its analysis 1.4 the need for a systematic theory of probabilty 1.5 further issues and concluding remarks on decition analysis 1.6 case modules kendall crab and lobstr,inc buying a house the acquisition of DSOFT national realty investment corporation 1.7 exercises CHAPTER 2 FUNDANENTALS OF DISCRETE PROBABILITY 2.1 outcomes,probabilities and events 2.2 the laws of probability 2.3 working with probabilties and probabillty tables …… CHAPTER 3 CONTINUOUS PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS ANO THELR APPLICATIONS CHAPTER 4 STATLSTICAL SAMPLING CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION MODELING:CONCEPTS AND PRACTICE CHAPTER 6 REGPESSION MODELS:CONCEPTS AND PRACTICE CHAPTER 7 LINEAR OPTLMIZATION CHAPTER 8 NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION CHAPTER 9 DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION CHAPTER 10 INTEGRATION IN THE AT OF KECISION MODELING APPENDIX REFERENCES INODEX