Contents 前言 THE LISTENING MODULE Introduction UNIT 1 Orientating yourself to the text UNlT 2 Listening for specific information UNlT 3 Identifying detail UNIT 4 ldentifying main ideas UNIT 5 Seeing beyond the surface meaning UNIT 6 Following signpost words UNlT 7 Being aware of stress, rhythm and intonation THE READING MODULE Introduction UNlT 1 Orientating yourself to the text UNlT 2 Skimming/scanning for specific information and detail UNlT 3 ldentifying main and supporting ideas UNIT 4 Improving global reading skills UNlT 5 Summarising UNlT 6 Understanding argument UNlT 7 ldentifying opinion/attitude an making inferences UNlT 8 The General Training module Section 1 UNlT 9 The General Training module Section 2 THE WRITING MODULE Introduction UNIT 1 Describing facts and figures UNlT 2 Describing trends UNlT 3 Summarising data UNIT 4 Describing a process UNIT 5 General Training, Task 1 …… THE SPEAKING MODULE SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES PRACTICE TEST RECORDIN SCRIPT ANSWER KEY SAMPLE ANSWER SHEETS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS