暫缺《MCSD/MCSE:SQL Server 7 Database Design學(xué)習(xí)指南 英文原版》作者簡介
Intoroduction Chapter 1 An 1ntroduction to SQL Server 7 SQL Server 7 Is New and Improved SQL Enterprise Manager Transact-SQL SQL--DMO SQL Server Wizards SQL Server Capacities Tools and Utilities Included in SQL Server 7 Query Analyzer Working with Queries Viewing the Execution Plan SQL EnterPrise Manager Starting SQL Enterprise Manager Accessing the Pubs Sample Database Verifying the Pubs Database Installing the Pubs Sample Database SQL Server Books Online The Downtown Delivery SerVice Project Summary Review guestions Chapter 2 Data Modeling The Relational Model The Client/Server Model File-Server vsDistributed Client/Server The Entity--Relationship Model Entity--Relationship Diagramming Entities Entities in a Data Model Naming Entities Drawing Entities Adding Attributes to a Data Model Divide and Conquer Uniqueness and Keys Primary Keys and Foreign Keys Column Restrictions Understanding NULL and NOT NULL Disallowing Duplicates Adding Defaults Prohibiting Changes Improving the ER Model fOr the Downtown Delivery Servlce Relationships One--to-One Relationships One--to--Many Relationships Many--to--Many Relationships Enforcing Data Integrity Entity Integrity Domain Integrity Referential Integrity Normalizing a Database Design First Normal Form Second Normal Form Third Normal Form Benefits of Normalization Drawbacks of Normalization Summary Review guestions Chapter 3 System Databases and Tables Examlning the System Databases Identifytng the Role of the Model Database Identifylng the Role of the Msdb Database Identifying the Role of the Tempdb Database Discussing System Tables System Catalog The Database Catalog guetying System Tables Accessing the System with System Stored Procedures Catalog Stored Procedures Extended Stored Procedures Replication Stored Procedures System Stored Procedures Executing Stored Procedures sp--help [objectnamel sp--helpdb [dbnamel sp--Who Configurlng SQL Server Summary Review guestions Chapter 4 Data Definition Introducing SQL Server Databases EXPloring the Transaction Logs Role in SQL Server Following the Execution Path of the Transaction Log Managing SQL Server Databases Creating a Database with SQL EnterPrise Manager Creating a Database with the CREATE DATABASE Statement Using CREATE DATABASE to Create a Database Exploring the AVailable Database Options Setting Database Options from within SQL EnterPrise Manager Using sp--dboption to Set Database Options Setting Off an ANSI Null Default with sp--dboption Modifying Databases and Transaction Logs Expanding a Database Using SQL EnterPrise Manager to Expand a Database Increasing the Size of a Database with ALTER DATAASE Shrinking a Database Using SQL EnterPrise Manager to Shrink a Database Shrinking a Database with DBCC Using DBCC SHRINKDATABASE to Shrink the DowntownDB Database Dropping a Database Dropping a Database from SQL EnterPrise Manager Using DROP DATABASE to Drop a Database Dropping a Database with DROP DATABASE Understanding SQL Server 7 Data Whes System--Supplied Data bees User--Defined Data bees Managing Tables in SQL Server 7 Creating a Tab1e with SQL EnterPrise Manager T Jsing the CREATE TABLE Statement to Create a Table Using the CREATE TABLE Statement to Create a Table Creating a Table with CREATE TABLE Dropping a Table Dropping a Table with SQL EnterPrise Manager Using DROP TABLE to Delete a Table Dropping a Table with DROP TABLE Understanding Data Integrity Identifying the Whes of Data Integrity EnfOrcing Data Iritegrity with the IDENTITY Property Identifying Guidelines Associated with the IDENTITY Property Creating an Identity Column Creating a Table with an ldentity Column Adding a Column with the IDENTITY Property to an Existing Table Using Uniqueidentifier and NEWID to Generate Unique Values Using Constraints to Enforce Data Integrity Managing Constraints with the SQL EnterPrise Manager Managing Constraints with the CREATE TABKE and ALTER TABLK StotementH Creating a PRIMARY KEY Constraint Creating a FOREIGN KEY Constraint Creating a UNIgUE Constraint Creating a CHECK Constraint Creating a DEFAULT Constraint Summary Review guestions Chapter 5 Data Retrieval A Refresher Course in SQL Coding an SQL SELECT Statement Using Character Strings and guotes Arithmetic Operators - Operator Precedence Comparison Operators in SQL Statements KeyWords Used in a WHERE Clause Using SQL Statements Coding the SELECT Statement Querying with Wildcards and the LIKE Clause Sorting Records with the ORDER BY Clause Using SQLs Built--In Functions to Format Output Data Converting Data twes with the CONVERT Function Manipulating Datetime Values with Date Functions Performing Mathematical Operations with the built--In Mathematlcal Functions PerfOrming Operations with String Functions Retrieving Special Server or Database Information with System Functions Using Text and Image Functions Summary Review guestions Chapter 6 Advanced Data Retrieval Techniques Returning Summary Values with Aggregate Functions Calculating an Average Counting Rows with the COUNT Aggregate Function Counting Rows with Nulls Counting All Rows with COUNT(*) Finding the Maximum Value with MAX Finding the Minimum Value with MIN Adding the Value of a Column with SUM Using the GROUP BY Clause - Grouping Data with the GROUP BY Clause Examining the Impact of the ALL KeyWord on a GROUP BY Clause Counting Groups of Data AVG and SUM with the GROUP BY Clause Restricting Rows with the HAVING Clause Coding a HAWNG Clause Including Multiple Coriditions in a HAVING Clause Using the COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY Clauses Computing Totals with COMPUTE Computing Multiple Values fOr the Same Column Adding BY to a COMPUTE Clause Using the COMPUTE BY Multiple Times in the Same SELECT Statement Returning TOP n Queries Using CUBE and ROLLUP Joining Tables ANSI--Standard vsOld--Style Joins Creating a CROSS JOIN Creating an INNER JOIN Creating OUTER JOINs Creating a LErv OUTER JOIN Creatin Creating a RIGHT OUTER JOIN Creating a FULL OUTER JOIN Using Self Joins Using Subqueries bees of Subqueries Defining Subquery Rules Creating Subqueries That Return a Single Value Creating Subqueries That Return Multiple Values Adding NOT IN to a Subquery Testing Existence with Subqueries Writing Correlated Subqueries Creating Derived Tables Distributed Queries Ad Hoc Queries Setting Up and Using a Linked Server Summary - Review guestions - Chapter 7 Creating Action Queries with Transact-SQL to Modify Data Adding Rows with the INSERT Statement INSERT Statement Syntax EXPlorlng the INSERT Statement Rules Inserting Rows with Values Inserting a Partial Row with a Column List Adding a Row with Defaults and Nulls Using DEFAULT to Insert a Value for a Column Inserting Rows in a Table with an IDENTITY Column Inserting Specific Values into an IDENTITY Column Inserting Multiple Rows with a SELECT Statement Inserting Rows with a SELECT Clause Copying a Subset of Data Copying a Subset of Rows Adding Constants to the Copied Data Cleaning Up { Modifying Data with the UPDATE Statement Understanding the Rules for the UPDATE Statement Updating Rows Writing a Simple UPDATE Statement Updating Select Rows Using Arithmetic in Updates Including Subqueries in an UPDATE Statement Providing a Column Value with a Subquery Transact--SQL Extensions for the UPDATE Statement Transact--SQL UPDATE Extension Example Cleaning Up after Inserting Data Deleting Rows of Data with the DELETE Statement DELETE Statement Syntax Defining the Rules for the DELETE Statement Deleting All Rows from a Table Deleting Selected Rows Deleting Rows of Data Based on a Subquery Deleting Rows Based on the Value in a Subquery Transact-SQL Extensions fOr the DELETE Statement Deleting Data with Transact--SQL Extensions Cleaning Up after Deleting Data Importing and EXPorting Using Data Transformation Services to Transfer Data and Objects Creating a DTS Package Tfansferring the Authors Table with DTS Verifying the Results of the Transfer Transferring Data with the Bulk Copy Program Permissions Requirements to Perform a Transfer with the Bulk Copy Program" Defining BCP Syntax and Parameters Understanding Some BCP Rules Defining the BCP Mode bees Saving Your BCP Options in a Format File Copying a Table with the BCP Utility Comparing Data TransfOrmation Services and the Bulk Copy Program Summary Review guestions Chapter 8 Uslng 1ndexes Advantages to Using Indexes Disadvantages to Using Indexes Creating Useful Indexes Selectlng the Right Index Guldellnes for Choosing What to Index Guidellnes for Choosing What Not to Index SQL Server Index bees Examining Clustered Indexes ExPlorlng Nonclustered Indexes Refining Index Characteristics Keeping Up with Index Statistics Managing SQL Server Indexes Defining the CREATE INDEX Options Applying the FILLFACTOR and PAD--INDEX Options Rebuilding an Index Examining the DBCC DBREINDEX Syntax Rebuilding a Specific Index Rebuilding All Indexes in a Table Dropping Indexes Understanding DROP INDEX Permissions Dropping an Index Monitoring an Indexs PerfOrmance and Use Full--Text Searches Search Service Objects Creating Full-Text Indexes Deactivating Full-Text Indexes Creating a Full-Text Index Using Full-Text Queries Summary Review guestions Chapter 9 Designing and Using Views An Overview of a View Creating a View Guidelines fOr Creating Views The CREATE VIEW Statement Recognizing the Benefits of Using Views Simplifying Queries Focusing on Data Providing Constant Data Enforcing Security Exporting Data Recognizing a Views Limitations Creating Views Selecting Specific Columns Selecting Specific Rows Joining Tables to Create a View Including Aggregate Furictions in Views Creating Views ofl Views Modifying Data through Views Inserting Rows through Views Deleting Rows through Views Updatirig Rows through Views Dropping Views Defining the DROP VIEW Statement Summary Review guestions ChaPter 1O Programmability Using Batehes Working with Variables Defining and Using Local Variables Examining the Syntax Required to Declare and Assign a Local Variable Declaring and Assigning a Local Variable Using Global Variables Obtaining the Version of SQL Server with a Global Variable Adding Comments to Your Code Uslng Coritrol-of-Flow Statements Creating Statement Blocks with BEGIN and END Using CASE Expressions Inspecting the Syntax of the CASE Expression Testing a CASE Expression Moving to a Label with GOTO Investigating the GOTO Sy11tax Transferring ExecutioIl with a GOTO Command Controlling PrograIn Execution with IFELSE IFELSE Guidelines Executillg Code Based on an lFELSE Statement Block Timing Execlltion with WAITFOR Processing in the Future with WAITFOR Creating Loops with WHILE Blocks Using the WHILE I3lock to Create a Loop Working with C1Jrsors Exploring Cursor States Declaring a Cursor Guidelines for Declaring Cllrsors Opening a Cursor Counting the Number of Rows in an Operied Cursor Fetching Data from a Cursor Guidelines for the FETCH Statement Keepirig Track of the FETCH Status Closing a Cursor Deallocating a Cursor Demonstrating Cursors The Benefits of Usirig Stored Procedures Examining the String and Variable Extensions to the EXECUTE Statement Executing Procedures EXECUTE Procedure Guidelines Executing a Stored Procedure Returning the Status of a Stored Procedure Executing a Procedure with a Variable Executing String Statements Executing a Character String Using Input and Output Parameters Managing User-Defined Error Messages Providing Feedback with the RAISERROR Statement RAISERROR Specifics Raising a User--Defined Error Stopping Execution with the RETURN Command Exiting a Batch with the RETURN Statement Recompiling Stored Procedures Using Transactions Defining the Transaction Isolation Level Designing Transactions of APpropriate Length Avoiding or Handling Deadlocks Using ..trancount to Implement Error Handling Summary Review guestions Chapter 11 Triggers Understanding How Triggers Work Creating Triggers Examining the Syntax of the CREATE TRIGGER Statement Trigger Guidelines Identifying the Limitations of Triggers Creating an INSERT Trigger Creating an UPDATE Trigger Creating a Table--Level UPDATE Trigger Creating a Column--Level UPDATE Trigger Creating a DELETE Trigger Dropping Triggers Enforcing Referential Integrity Creating Triggers to Enforce Referential Integrity EnfOrcing Data Integrity Summary Review guestions peter 12 Malntaining a Database Using the DataBase Consistency Checker Optimizing Execution Plan Performance Query Execution Plans SQL Server Locks Using SQL Server Profiler Summary Review guestions 7 Review guestions f Wendis A Revlew 9uestions and Answers Chapter l Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 1O Chapter l1 Chapter l2