Decision:Accession of the People's Republic of China Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China Annex 1A:Information to be Provided by China in the Context of the Transitional Review Annex 1B:Issues to be Aeeressde by the General Council in Accordance with Section 18.2 of China's Protocol of Accession Annex 2A1:Products Subject to State Trading Annex 2A2:Products Subject to State Trading Annex 2B:Producet Subjiect to Designated Trading Annex 3:Non-Tarff Measures Subject to Phased Elimination Annex 4: products and services subject to price controls Annex 5A:Notification pursuant to arcicle XXV of the agreemant on subsidies and coutervailing measures Annex 5B:subsidies to be phased out Annex 6:products subject to export duty Annex 7 reservations by WTOmembers Annex 8:schedule CLII-people's repubilc of china Part 1:most-favorde-nation tariff section 1:agricultural products section 1-A tariffs section 1-B tariff Quotas section Ⅱ:other products Part Ⅱ:preferential tariff(applicable) part Ⅲ:non-tariff concessions section A:thriff-quotas on fertilizae and wool tops section B:other non-tariff concessions part Ⅳ:agricultural products:commitments lilting subsidization section Ⅰ:domestic support :toatl AMS cmoomimenst section Ⅱ:export subsidide:budgetary outlay and quantity reduction commitments section Ⅲ:commitmenst linmintng the scope of export subsidide attachment B annexⅠ:staging matrix for secionI-A(Agriculturcl tariffs) annexⅡ:staging matrix for secionII(other products) annex 9:schedule of specific sommitments on services list of article ii mfn exemptions Report of the Working Party on the Accession og China